Schwörer-FlyingSpace in Hohenstein-Oberstetten
Opening hours
Montag - Sonntag 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr.
Basic data
Catalog number | F 10-043.8 |
External dimensions | 4,35 x 12,50 m |
Net footprint of ground floor | 42,74 m² |
Net floor area total | 42,74 m² |
Schwörer-FlyingSpace in Hohenstein-Oberstetten Advantages
- Individuell gestaltbar, einfach veränderbar, flexibel erweiterbar
- Große Auswahl an hochwertiger Ausstattung
- Schadstoffgeprüfte Baustoffe
- Wird fix und fertig angeliefert
Ground plans
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You can visit this show home:
Eschenweg 2, 72531 Hohenstein-Oberstetten
Tel.: +49 7387 16-3140
Opening hours:
Montag - Sonntag 10:00 bis 17:00 Uhr.
If you have any questions
Make an appointment now with a building consultant in your area
We are close to you. With equipment centres, production facilities but above all with show homes and our building consultants that provide you with a comprehensive service.