Legal notices

Redirections and links

Despite careful monitoring of content, we accept no liability for the content of websites accessed via external links. Exclusively the owners of linked websites remain responsible for their content.

Content of the website

SchwörerHaus KG accepts no responsibility for the relevance, accuracy, integrity or quality of the information supplied. In principle, no liability claims may be made against SchwörerHaus KG in relation to material or non-material losses caused by the use or failure to use the information presented, or through the use of inaccurate or incomplete information, provided SchwörerHaus KG is not proven to have acted with intent or gross negligence. All quotations are given without obligation and are non-binding. SchwörerHaus KG expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the website or the entire website without notice, or else to temporarily or definitively suspend its publication.


SchwörerHaus KG endeavours to respect all copyright to the graphics, images, sound recordings, video clips and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, images, sound recordings, video clips and texts that it has produced itself, to draw on unlicensed graphics, images, sound recordings, video clips and texts or to use graphics, images, sound recordings, video clips and texts to which it has acquired usage rights. SchwörerHaus KG retains sole ownership of published items that it has produced itself. Copying or using such graphics, images, sound recordings, video clips and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the explicit approval of SchwörerHaus KG.

Legal validity of this exclusion of liability

This exclusion of liability must be considered as part of the website from which a redirection to this page has taken place. If sections or individual wordings of this text should fail to comply, no longer comply or not fully comply with current legal provisions, this will not affect the content and validity of the remainder of the document.

Information on arbitration options for consumers

For our customers who are consumers, we offer the facility to appoint the ombudsman arbitration service of the Quality Control Institution for German Manufacturers of Prefabricated Buildings (Qualitätsgemeinschaft Deutscher Fertigbau QDF) free of charge. SchwörerHaus shall treat any decisions taken by this ombudsman service as binding. The binding nature of any decision by the ombudsman service shall be considered null and void only in the event that the customer initiates legal action despite this decision. Any costs incurred by engaging the services of an expert to provide an impartial appraisal of any notified defects shall be borne by us if so indicated by the findings of the expert. Details on the procedure are set out by Art. 2.2 of the QDF Articles of Association. As this involves a consumer protection ruling specific to a timber frame home, we shall not participate in any further arbitration proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Informationen zur Online-Streitbeilegung

Die von der EU bereitgestellte Plattform zur Online Streitbeilegung (sog. OS-Plattform) stellt eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für Verbraucher und Unternehmer dar, Streitigkeiten im Zusammenhang mit Online- Kaufverträgen und Online-Dienstverträgen zwischen einem in der EU wohnenden Verbraucher und einem in der EU niedergelassenen Unternehmer, außergerichtlich beizulegen. Die OS-Plattform ist unter folgendem Link erreichbar:


Besondere Schlichtungsmöglichskeit (Ombudstelle) für SchwörerHaus-Kunden, da SchwörerHaus Mitglied des BDF ist

Information über Schlichtungsmöglichkeiten für den Verbraucher