Flying Space research projects

FlyingSpaces are very popular for research projects. Customised applicable, speedy assembly times and complete dismantling are possible. With its own development department, the company is, thanks to its innovations, one of the pioneers in energy-saving building services and house construction.

Active House B10

The research project − named after its address, Bruckmannweg 10, B10 for short − is the first active house in the world. Thanks to its sophisticated energy concept and a self-learning building management system, it generates twice as much energy as it needs itself. And all from sustainable sources. The extra generated energy surplus will be used to supply two electric cars and the listed house designed by the architect Le Corbusier. Once the project is ended, the building will be completely dismantled.


In a joint research project, LebensPhasenHaus (LifePhasesHouse), researchers from the University of Tübingen and the University Clinic Tübingen are collaborating on solutions related to independent living in later life. The LifePhasesHouse is based on a FlyingSpace with a white rendered façade, converted with Schwörer prefabricated house walls. All service connections (kitchen and bathroom), which were fully installed in the Schwörer plant in Hohenstein-Oberstetten, are integrated in the FlyingSpace. This makes the assembly on site short and simple.

Project Solspace University of Stuttgart

The Solspaces project has developed a modern and sustainable solar heating concept for energy-efficient buildings. A key element is a solar sorption storage tank with which the solar heat of the summer is used to heat the building in winter. The project is being implemented jointly by the Institute for Thermodynamics and Heating Technology at the University of Stuttgart and the company SchwörerHaus.

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