Customer area
Are you already a SchwörerHaus customer? Via our customer portal, you can find an up-to-date overview on the progress of your building project, your contact partner and much more information about your Schwörer home. We are also here to help if you need us after handover of your new home. We attach importance to lasting a partnership, which is why your building plans remain available at SchwörerHaus even after many years. We can provide technical advice even after 30 to 40 years.
Schwörer-Modernization service
The Schwörer modernization service offers the whole range of services you will need to maintain and enhance the value of your home: upgrades, conversion, extension and refurbishment and installation of energy-saving HVACR as well as bathrooms and kitchen refits. The high degree of pre-fabrication keeps on-site building to a minimum. Installation is carried out by the company's own specialists – at a fixed price.